Saturday, August 9, 2008


I have decided that the school holidays is an ideal time to work with staff. I hadn't arranged too many PD sessions though, because I was still unsure about my father-in-law. There were two teachers at NC who wanted to work on developing a page on MyClasses and it was excellent working in groups of two, rather than a large group. It meant we could be more personalised with their pages.

I worked with Kelly Yakas who is the Project K or as known now as, STARS Project coordinator. The Year 9 staff Kelly works with at NC had indicated that they wanted to keep informed about the project and MyClasses seemed a great way to provide this information and allow the Peer Mentors to keep reflective journals.

I also worked with the librarian, Claire, who wanted to set up a site for students and staff to access up to date information about the library, what was happening, providing support for students. She has done a great job.

The second week I had an opportunity to catch up with Tiere, Principal of Opononi AS and I helped her with setting up and organising her folders and emails using MyMail.

Spent alot of time catching up on admin work and setting up the FarNet cluster site on the VLN.

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