Saturday, August 9, 2008


16th June - FarNet Management Meeting via VC and audio - 7.30am

18th June - Attended presentation for The Connectors Systems - Wireless Presentation - Whangarei

18th June - F2F Meeting at Tikipunga High School -Re: MyClasses and MyMail (school unhappy with schoolzone, but I feel they are not familiar with its capabilities) - Principal has asked me to come back some time to speak with the SLT.

19th June - Facilitated a F2F PD session with SLT at NC on MyClasses and MyDesktop in preparation for a full staff PD session the following week. These SLT members will act as coaches at the session. Only got through MyDesktop.

19th June - Phone contact with Viv Hall - Re: Training required for Schoolzone schools in FarNet

20th June - Meeting with Acting Principal - Auretta @ BOIC - worked with MyMail - she wasn't accessing it correctly. Just a general catch up about FarNet with Auretta.

20th June - Worked on a FarNet Newsletter - but I mucked it up because I am not familiar with Publisher, normally use PageMaker.

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